»Student Group Educational Tours

Greater Pacific Aquatics has teamed with the I-Terras International Language School and with the Liberal Academy Inc. to provide student groups with one of the best interactive educational tours available in the Pacific. Using proven methods of conversational English, students will practice and refine their communication skills with licensed instructors during a two and half hour course. Students can then put their skills into practice during an outdoor adventure tour consisting of hiking, kayaking, snorkeling, mountain biking and Guam History.

"City" tours are also available. Here, students are introduced to daily communication with trips to the grocery store, shopping mall, city businesses, coffee shop, and other everyday occurences.

These popular educational tours have been growing so book early by clicking on Contact Us and request additional information.Greater Pacific Aquatics has teamed with the Liberal Academy Inc. to provide student groups with one of the best interactive educational tours available in the Pacific.
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